Healthy Indoor Environment

Healthy Indoor Environment was founded in 2023 to help people achieve a better indoor environment by collecting existing knowledge, create new knowledge and inform of ways to a better indoor environment.

Read more Campaign – Indoor particle pollution from residential wood burning

Your home

We spend most of our lives in our home. Good air quality is therefore important.

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Day nurseries

Our children spend a large part of their lives indoor in nurseries and after-school care.

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Schools and education

Good air quality in schools and other educational institutions increase well-being and learning ability.

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Good air quality at our place of employment increase our concentration and therefore our productivity.

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Links to projects and our newsletters.

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Get a healthy indoor environment

Healthy Indoor Environment was established in 2023 to help people achieve a better indoor environment by accumulating existing knowledge, creating new knowledge, and informing about ways to a better air quality.

Good air quality in our homes is of great importance to our health and well-being – and makes us feel more comfortable in our home. Good air quality in day care centres and schools increases both well-being and learning ability – just as good air quality at work increases our concentration and thereby productivity.
People in the developed world spend most of their lives indoors. Therefore, it is important that pollution from harmful particles, chemicals, gases, mould, etc. is minimised to maintain good air quality – and that a continuous flow of fresh air is infused to our buildings.

Fortunately, we can often minimise pollution if we use our head. We are often responsible for polluting the indoor environment – just as we are responsible for ventilating. External sources such as wood smoke, diesel emissions, radon, evaporation from soil pollution around the building, etc., however, can also cause indoor air pollution.

On this website, we have accumulated knowledge on indoor air pollution and simple ways to reduce pollution in your home – and how the indoor air in your children’s daycare/school and at your educational institution/workplace can be improved. We focus on air quality, but other parameters are also important for a good indoor environment e.g., noise, temperature, smell, draft, and light.

If you want to be kept up to date on improving your indoor environment, sign up to receive our free newsletter, which is published 4-6 times a year by e-mail. You can always unsubscribe again.

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