
Good air quality in our workplace increases concentration and thus productivity.

However, there are many activities that can pollute the air to problematic levels. If employees are attentive, pollution can often be significantly reduced through minor changes.

Release of harmful chemicals from cleaning agents, fixtures, building materials, etc., can cause air pollution that can increase the risk of allergies and other serious diseases. Read more on chemical air pollution here

In some workplaces, pollution of particles and gases from e.g., road traffic, machinery, diesel trains, cooking fumes, bonfires, candles, ships, etc., can be a special challenge. Read more on particle pollution here

Likewise, work and industrial processes can result in harmful air pollution in indoor environment.

If employees are exposed to high concentrations of health-hazardous or carcinogenic substances (chemicals, exhaust/incineration particles or gases), a chemical risk assessment must be made in addition to the workplace risk assessment.

Humans produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour when exhaling – just as some production processes can release CO2 and water vapour. A high content of CO2 is a sign of poor air quality in a room, which increases the risk of headaches, fatigue, and difficulties in concentrating. High humidity levels in a room increases the risk of mould, which can cause serious allergies among you and your colleagues. Read more on carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour here

We can carry out an assessment/measurement of the air quality. Contact our senior advisor Kaare:
